Dec 19, 2010

Flowers of Jamaican Cherry Tree

This tree has many names. Indonesian people call it kersen, ceri or talok. Some other names: kerukup siam (Malaysia), datiles, aratiles or manzanitas (Philippine), capulin blanco, cacaniqua, nigua, or niguito (Spain), Jamaican Cherry, Panama Berry or Singapore Cherry (England).

Have your ever tasted its sweet, juicy and full of tiny seeds fruits? This tree is located in the front of my left side neighbor’s house. The fruits aren’t red yet, I still have to wait more.

The flowers are small, white and last only one day. Its petals are falling in the afternoon. I read that the flowers can be used as an antiseptic and a medicine for headache and cold.

Today's Flowers

12 komentar:

Unknown December 19, 2010  

oh yes, aratiles. we had a tree in front of our house when i was a kid. it's where i practice my climbing skills at 4 yrs old.:p i love the ripe fruits--until now, i couldn't resist whenever i see ripe fruits.:p

Goyang Karawang December 20, 2010  

sepertinya saya pernah liat kembang ini, tapi sungguh baru tahu kalo namanya kersen mbak

eileeninmd December 20, 2010  

Lovely blooms on your neighbors tree. It is great that you get to enjoy it too.

Lui December 20, 2010  

I love aratiles small red juicy fruits. I don't see them around my neighborhood anymore so I miss eating one!

msdewberry December 20, 2010  

The flowers are beautiful, and if you can only see them for one day, I'd have to spend the day by the tree! A year is a long time to wait between shows!

Larry December 20, 2010  

Very informative post... thank you for sharing this info... I'd never seen this plant previously... L

sirih merah December 20, 2010  

thansk for sharing...

Míriam Luiza December 20, 2010  

Linda flor!

kim December 20, 2010  

that was so LOVELY!

attayaya cathy December 21, 2010  

aku pernah mau mati ketika jatuh dari pohon cerry
batangnya cerry ga begitu kuat siiih

Dominoqq January 11, 2015  

kutipan yang sangat menarik , terima kasih ya , salam kenal :)

nonton movie December 23, 2015  

informasi yang menarik mbak , terima kasih ya dan salam kenal

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