Dec 30, 2010

Nostalgia : My Father and Mother In Law’s House

Captured Last Sunday (by my husband). The guava tree is still alive and old.
The Guest Room

I don't know when it was captured. Sorry for the blurry pic.

Build in 1928, the house is located in a small city Bumiayu, Central Java, Indonesia. It’s a house that full of story behind it. Actually, it’s a sad story that ends with happiness. The house belongs to two sisters, my MIL and her younger sister. My aunt was died of cancer and then two years later, my MIL passed away.

All of my aunt’s family (her husband and children) live in another town, Jakarta (the capital city of Indonesia). About seven years after my MIL passed away; my aunt’s husband came to the house and insisted to sell the half of the house. He was a rich man that day, so, the selling reason is not for money.

My FIL who were willing to keep and take care of the whole house, felt really sad to see the house was divided into two parts and then the other part was sold to a businessman. This part was becoming a swallow house. Not long after he sold the part of the house, my uncle got sick for a long time until he died several years later.

Thank God, in 2008, my SIL and BIL can buy again the sold part of the house, and then broke down the separating wall inside, united and totally renovated the house as one part. The more good news is the relationship between my SIL, BIL and their cousins are becoming better and closer right now. The bright light is always waiting at the end of the dark tunnel!


5 komentar:

sibutiz December 30, 2010  

hhe hhe..
terjemahin dulu ach...
maaf ya bu,saya belum bisa english speaking..

Dhemz December 30, 2010  

that is one lovely looking hose Lina...very pretty....:) glad to know they got it back!

☆Mama Ko☆ December 31, 2010  

wow, imagine how they manage to take care the house. Its a very nice house.

Chubskulit Rose December 31, 2010  

Oh wow, how nostalgic. Your guava tree reminds me of my childhood hehehe.

Sorry for the late visit, I had to babysat again today wahhhh. Thanks a lot of making Nostalgia a great meme for this year, mwahness! Advance happy New Year~!


Anonymous December 31, 2010  

seperti peninggalan jaman Belanda ya bu?

adem bgt kayaknya...^_^

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