Addictive habits aren’t limited to smoking, alcohol or drug addiction, there are actually many addictive, destructive habits that can take their toll upon a person’s health and relationships; often without them noticing until the damage is done.
Facebook addiction
What started as a great way to interact and share online has become a life-wrecking addiction for some, though it should be made perfectly clear that the real culprit here isn’t Facebook, but more so many people’s willingness to feed their ego, which in a celebrity-centric world, brings out the wannabe-celebrity in many.
For those people, social needs such as affection, belonging and love can be met through Facebook and many have also shunned ‘real life’ relationships in favour of Facebook and other social networking websites.
If you notice an overwhelming inclination to log onto Facebook – an inclination that supersedes your willingness to have your social needs fulfilled by family and friends – it’s high time you took a break, perhaps deactivating your account for a week to see how you feel afterwards, and it’s definitely time to start interacting with family and friends in person once again.
One of the most common and harmful addictive habits it’s possible to take up, smoking is a nasty habit that cuts short the lives of millions of people each and every year.
If you smoke there’s a very good chance you know what you’re doing to yourself, and those around you, isn’t at all good; moreover, there’s no need for statistics here because we all know just how horrifying they are.
Set a date that’s comfortable for you, for example, if you’re attending a party on the weekend, don’t quit until Monday
T – Tell your family and friends about your plans
Smokers need encouragement and support, plus many feel they’d disappoint their loved ones if they took up the habit again
A – Anticipate the challenges you’ll face and plan ahead
Recognising that there are challenges involved and that you need to prepare for them can help you to avoid a failed quitting attempt
R – Remove all tobacco products and accessories from your home
This includes cigarettes and tobacco products as well as ashtrays, lighters, etc. that remind you of smoking
T – Talk to your doctor about getting help to quit
Micro addictions
You mightn’t be familiar with micro addictions but there’s a good chance you’ve a few you’re not aware of. Whilst one or two avoidable negative habits won’t make much a difference, when they impact upon your life negatively you’ll need to do something about them.
Micro addictions in the modern era include overusing Facebook and social media websites, not to mention excessive television viewing, instead of participating in life, and checking your email compulsively waiting for emails that seemingly never come.
Some other common micro habits include seeking approval from others instead of trusting your own instincts, arguing just for the sake of argument and eating for comfort’s sake.
To kick negative habits that are taking their toll on your life and relationships; recognise that a problem exists, chip away at the habit gradually, ask family and friends for support – even just in the form of a friendly reminder – and understand that life is better and more enjoyable when free of addiction.