5 Small Ways to Make Life Simpler
we see nature, the picture that is painted is quite complex. Other times, we
interact with people around us and we are awed by the ways they complicate
their lives. However, can you imagine how convenient it would be to just make
everything as simple as possible? It is
said with good reason that the smallest things are the ones that make the
biggest differences. That's why we have explored a number of small ways in
which life can be made simpler, in effect letting you enjoy every day more –
here we go!
1. Learn to say NO
people believe that they must do everything, help everyone, listen to everybody
and please everyone. Life is not meant to be lived that way. There are things
we must refrain from in order to simply life and find our own happiness. Do not
set too many expectations for yourself. Learn to decline some proposals and
duties. This helps tremendously in ensuring a stressless life.
2. Find time for yourself
are many ways in which we may plan our time. It is quite possible to give away
all of it and just forget about yourself. However, even amongst everyday chores
you should be able to find a moment for yourself. It can be for meditation, light exercise or reading your favorite
book. If you revise your schedule you should be able to find out that even the
smallest time windows can be used to your advantage. For that purpose it might
be helpful to keep a journal, which will make your day a lot more ordered. This
will let you avoid the unnecessary commitments and maximize your time,
simplifying your life in the effect!
3. Operate a budget
a budget to keep track of your income and expenditure. Especially at the end of
the month, do not spend haphazardly. Prepare a list of your possible expenses
numbered in order of their importance and urgency. Choose the ones that you
can’t do without and try to work your budget to save a small percentage of your
salary. You can do that by giving up on the things you don't really need, or
using coupons from Discountrue that will
help you save at multiple shops including Neiman Marcus or Target, whatever you
want. This small act will save you a lot of agony and make your life simple
whenever something unexpected happens!
4. Heed to your inner convictions
to do things the way you are personally convinced. Do not yield to pressure or
the lure of pleasing other people, let that small voice inside you carry the
day. Of course, other's advice is valuable and you should take it into
consideration, but you know yourself better than anyone else and, after all,
the decision is yours. Different people have different tastes, goals and
opinions so follow yours to make your life simpler.
5. Revise your relationships
lives might be complicated by the people who are in our inner circles. While
there are some who walk with you and value you for the contribution you make in
your relationship, there are also those whose expectations you can’t meet or
are simply having a negative effect on you. It might be a good idea to distance
yourself from those who are draining life out of you. Staying in a toxic
relationship is simply not worth it.
2 komentar:
useful rules, one needs to learn to say No
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