Their common names are shrub verbenas or lantanas. Lantana's aromatic flower clusters are a mix of red, orange, yellow, or blue and white florets. The flowers typically change color as they mature, resulting in inflorescences that are two- or three-colored. A common name for Lantana camara is "Ham 'n Eggs" due to the adjacent pink and yellow inflorescences.
For Today's Flowers, I share Lantana flower that I saw in Bogor Botanical Gardens.
14 komentar:
wow! i love that flower. it is my first time to see that kind of flower and it makes me amaze.
Beautiful flower, Lina.
Have a good weekend
Wonderful Lantana-Shot!
I love seeing the multi-coloured lantana!
Very beautiful picture of a flowering Lantana. Many beautiful colours are available.
Great shot.
w0w nice flower :-)
thats a pretty flower.
stopping by from todays flowers.
Kalo soal bunga, gak faham mbak. Kemarin aja salah nyebut, hehehe...
Apa ada nama bunga perbanas mbak? Hehehe...
A wonderful close up of this pretty Lantana. Thank you for sharing :)
Beautiful picture!
I have this kind of flower in my garden but I didn't know its name until now. Thanks!
My first visit and I enjoyed it.
Happy Mother's Day to you, Lina.
Lovely lantana.
Happy Mom's Day.
That's a lovely lantana blossom. Happy Mother's Day.
It's a beautiful and unique flower! I'm amused by its common name - "Ham n' Eggs" :D
beautiful flowers decorate this blog..hehe
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