Feb 18, 2011

Sky Watch: Thick Fog

That morning, we’re on the way to Nusantara Yellow Park (Cipanas, West Java, Indonesia). Entering Puncak area and passing through the winding roads, I felt dizzy and nausea. I needed fresh air. So, we stopped by and took a rest at a small eating place. While I drank hot tea, from inside the food stall, I can see the tea plantation view below.

The picture was taken at about 6.30 am. I saw thick fog on the tea plantation outside. It’s cold and windy too, but the air was so fresh! After taking deep breath several times, the dizzy and nausea left me.

14 komentar:

The Write Girl February 18, 2011  

Delicious, hot tea always does the trick. I like the foggy sky. Wonderful photo!

Jim February 18, 2011  

That would do the trick.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Carver February 18, 2011  

I love fog unless I'm driving in it. I'm glad you started feeling better.

Unknown February 18, 2011  

i love to look at a foggy scene...it's dreamy.:p except when i'm driving through it.

Sylvia K February 18, 2011  

Oh, yes, I agree with the others, I love the foggy scenes, it is dreamy and beautiful and mysterious -- but not when you're driving through it! I so glad you're safe and well. Terrific capture! Hope you have a lovely weekend!


Chubskulit Rose February 18, 2011  

Looks cold! Thanks for the visit Lina.

Wasserfrau February 18, 2011  

It looks also cold for me, and I hope you had a little bit sunshine later in the day.
Have a nice weekend!

eden February 18, 2011  

Such a beautiful capture. We do have foggy morning here this time but not as thick as this one.

demonyitogwapito February 18, 2011  

so lovely it is...

Kim, USA February 18, 2011  

Something in a fog that makes me feel so peaceful. Like your shots and you say this is a tea plantation, wow that is so cool!
Sky Watch

eileeninmd February 19, 2011  

It is a beautiful scene, love the fog over the plantation. Happy skywatching!

Yoshi February 19, 2011  

Beautiful and mysterious scene at the same time! It looks like you were in the clouds!

Yen February 19, 2011  

Wow you can smell fresh air in that place.

Sally in WA February 21, 2011  

I like the effects of fog, just not driving in it. Lovely capture, it gives a real feeling of the mistiness in the fog layer.

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