Feb 15, 2011

Water Ball

What is a water ball? Have you ever seen one? Water ball is a big transparent ball (8ft. in diameter). Made of a clear super transparent special material, the waterball is simple and easy to use.

I saw these waterballs at a recreation center in my city (Tajurski, Bogor, Indonesia). Though it was raining on and off, the visitors were full. While taking pictures, I noticed how to use it. Just blow it up, open up the zipper, and the riders can enters inside. Close the zipper and re-inflate the waterball again to full capacity. The waterball is ready to use and the riders inside can do water walking.

But I guess it’s not easy at all to do the water walking; I saw they were falling inside the ball repeatedly. I still have my doubt to try water ball; what about you? Are you interested to walk on the water?

Ruby Tuesday

10 komentar:

Vrinda February 15, 2011  

it's really fun to be inside water ball. Nice capture!

Unknown February 15, 2011  

i feel nauseous by just seeing it, lina. i maybe be ready... in YEARS time:)

Unknown February 15, 2011  

these balls are so much fun....we have them here, too. my sister wanted to try it but the gate-keeper said it's only for kids.:p

Mona February 15, 2011  

i doubt if i will go inside this water ball looking at it makes me feel dizzy hehe, visit my RT too :)

Unknown February 15, 2011  

asik juga tuh, jadi pengen juga.. wakakakakak

Online Unsolved Mysteries Story | Corner Mystery February 16, 2011  

nice post...
please exchange link with me Mrs.. ^_^

MinnieRunner February 16, 2011  

I guess I won't try that one either. I'm afraid I might get scarce of Oxygen to breathe :D

Unknown February 17, 2011  

aku datang Mba lin

Dhemz February 17, 2011  

that looks super fun...I have not tried that before.

kim February 17, 2011  

so cute!

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