Tips for Improving Your Kids Confidence around Water
If you have a backyard pool or if you spend a lot of time around water, such as at the beach, by a river or lake, it is important that your kids feel confident and safe. Many children unfortunately drown each year, and many in backyard pools, so it is important they are educated about water safety, that they are taught how to swim and that your pool area is secured by a safety fence. You want your children to be able to enjoy their time spent around water, especially as many families like to spend their summer holidays by the beach or at a pool. For children that don't swim well one way to help build their confidence is to buy them floatation aids that assist them when swimming. These can be bought from any pool supplies store.
Swimming Lessons
Every child should be taught how to swim. All public pools and some private ones offer lessons. Make sure they are accredited and that they are run by fully qualified swimming teachers. Your children can start lessons from around the age of six months, although these lessons are more about water familiarisation. A weekly lesson will cost you around ten dollars but it is well worth it, particularly for the peace of mind. It will also mean your children will not be afraid of the water which is a big problem with children who can't swim.
Be there for them
Let your children know that you will always keep them safe. Always be there watching when they are swimming and don't take your eyes off them. It is a good idea to undertake a first aid course and learn how to resuscitate. Hopefully you will never need to do this but it is a valuable skill to have and first aid courses are not that expensive.
Join a club
Improve your kids confidence around water by increasing the number of activities they actually do around water. If you live near a beach enrol your child in the local life saving club. As well as being fantastic community clubs they offer great opportunities for kids and get them involved in all sorts of activities, as well as getting them outside and exercising. If you don't live near a beach your child might want to join a local swimming team, which will not only improve their swimming skills but they can begin to compete at swimming competitions. For those who don't like getting wet so much there are other activities on the water that they can get involved in like sailing, canoeing or kayaking. Groups like Cubs and Scouts do lots of different activities, and many of them involve water.
Teaching your kids about pool safety is also important, and even have rules in place if you own a pool, such as no running around the pool, no diving in the shallow end or jumping on to pool toys. Make sure that your children know to always shut the safety gate around your pool, particularly if they have younger brothers or sisters who don't know how to swim.
Swimming Lessons
Every child should be taught how to swim. All public pools and some private ones offer lessons. Make sure they are accredited and that they are run by fully qualified swimming teachers. Your children can start lessons from around the age of six months, although these lessons are more about water familiarisation. A weekly lesson will cost you around ten dollars but it is well worth it, particularly for the peace of mind. It will also mean your children will not be afraid of the water which is a big problem with children who can't swim.
Be there for them
Let your children know that you will always keep them safe. Always be there watching when they are swimming and don't take your eyes off them. It is a good idea to undertake a first aid course and learn how to resuscitate. Hopefully you will never need to do this but it is a valuable skill to have and first aid courses are not that expensive.
Join a club
Improve your kids confidence around water by increasing the number of activities they actually do around water. If you live near a beach enrol your child in the local life saving club. As well as being fantastic community clubs they offer great opportunities for kids and get them involved in all sorts of activities, as well as getting them outside and exercising. If you don't live near a beach your child might want to join a local swimming team, which will not only improve their swimming skills but they can begin to compete at swimming competitions. For those who don't like getting wet so much there are other activities on the water that they can get involved in like sailing, canoeing or kayaking. Groups like Cubs and Scouts do lots of different activities, and many of them involve water.
Teaching your kids about pool safety is also important, and even have rules in place if you own a pool, such as no running around the pool, no diving in the shallow end or jumping on to pool toys. Make sure that your children know to always shut the safety gate around your pool, particularly if they have younger brothers or sisters who don't know how to swim.

My niece, Hana, and his father were playing with waves on Pangandaran Beach (West Java, Indonesia). She isn't afraid of water but she always be careful when around the pool and beach. Ruby Tuesday
6 komentar:
Lina, that looks so fun!
Happy RT!
Mine's here.
Looks like they are having fun, did you try it too? Great capture. Happy Ruby Tuesday!
so much fun!
Gorgeous capture and very nice tips Lina!
Please take a peek at my ruby tuesday when you have a time.
They look so happy.
Great shot. Looks like they had a great playing with the waves.
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