Jul 5, 2011

A Busy Road

This road is never empty and quiet. Every night, the road is full of vegetable sellers. The space in Bogor market inside can’t accommodate the fast increase amount of sellers. The night market only ends approaching morning.

During the day, the road is still busy; especially on the weekend. On the left side of the road, some two-wheeled buggies that pulled by horses are waiting to be rented. You can also find rabbit and fruit sellers there. On the right side, there are several handy craft stores in the row.

That afternoon, road maintenance was also being held. It can’t be done in the night, since the road is used as night market. In the end of the road, near the traffic light, some street singers are sitting and gathering (I didn't capture all of them).

Can’t you imagine the whole hectic situation?

3 komentar:

Chubskulit Rose July 05, 2011  

Busy indeed! I miss my country when I visit your blog, it's so similar to where I came from.

My Ruby Tuesday, please come and see.

eden July 06, 2011  

Lots of red. Love to ride in one of those buggies.

Dhemz July 07, 2011  

I miss this kind of scenario....:)

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