A Brief Snapshot of Pregnancy Week by Week
As you shine and
shimmer with the thrills, joys and anticipation of motherhood; it is important
to know the progress of pregnancy week by week. Acquaintance with the respective
condition of the growing fetus is as important as the physiological changes
that you undergo. Moreover, you need to attune yourself mentally to the
sweeping changes that you are about to undergo, through the trying times of
pregnancy. On an average, a pregnancy continues over duration of forty weeks.
There are variations to come by, but generally by the time you reach into the
fortieth week, you can get set for delivering the little one.
six weeks
You can divide the
entire set of forty weeks into three trimesters. The initial week is marked by
deals of fertilization. The fetus formed is no bigger than a mulberry. The
following week you have the little speck developing into an embryo. As you step
into the third week, there is a rapid onset of cell division. The process multiplies
during the course of the fourth week. The completion of twenty eight days not
only marks enhanced drive of division but also has the embryo taking on an
elongated look. Until the completion of the fifth week, nothing really can be
detected, except for a sonographic checkup. However, during the progress of the
sixth week; heart beat can be detected by way of vaginal scan.
sets in during the 9th week
With the inception of
the seventh week, the embryo starts developing human features and the
development takes place all through the eighth week. While the inception of the
9th week marks the beginning of movements, with the completion of
the 11th week; the rate and intensity of movement becomes pronounced
and palpable.
the different parts are found developing
The following weeks are
marked by the formation of limbs, and as you step into the fifteenth week of
conception, you can expect significant development in its body. The torso takes
on a distinct shape, and movements become more pronounced than before. The
spree of development continues and with the onset of your conception’s
eighteenth week, you can expect development of the dermal layer. Ears are
developed during the course of the next week- 19th week. With the
completion of twenty-two- twenty three weeks, you can expect partial
development of the head. However, the development of head takes place over a
prolonged period of time. Until you step into your pregnancy’s twenty sixth
week, the head takes on a concrete shape. From the twenty-sixth to the
thirtieth week, there is a maximum propensity towards the development of the
head. With the onset of the thirtieth week, the fetus takes on a head down
gets ready for delivery
After the completion
of the thirtieth week, and until you reach into the week number thirty-seven;
you can expect the complete development of the different organ systems. As soon
as you are into the thirty-seventh week, the head makes a shift for fixing up
in your pelvic region. Thereafter, the body starts gearing itself to the needs
of delivery. That’s because by the journey from the thirty seventh to the
fortieth week is most congenial for delivery, with most childbirths taking
place around the juncture of the fortieth week. You can easily chart out week by week pregnancy that
continues over a period of nine months, for keeping a good tab over the health
and development of the growing fetus.