Mar 15, 2014

Buds of Red Jatropha Multifida

Captured in our front yard. The fly was ignored my presence :)
Common names are Coral plant, Physic Nut or Guatemala Rhubarb. I use to call it Jatrofa here. 
Red Jatropha Multifida
 Jatrofa is a fast growing evergreen shrub with a single trunk, a loose, spreading crown and a typical height in cultivation of 6-10'. The leaves are dark green above and lighter beneath. The flowers are reminiscent of red coral and borne in flat-topped clusters on long stalks held above the foliage. Jatrofa blossoms on and off all year long, mostly during hot weather (source:Wikipedia).

I share it for
Today's Flowers; you’ll discover lots of stunning flowers from around the world there.

5 komentar:

Unknown March 15, 2014  

Selamat Malam Mbak Lina, sebelumnya
Artikelnya sangat menarik, namun jika
Comments saya kurang tepat dengan topik mohon maaf, saya kurang paham dengan bahasa inggris, ijin follow blog nya juga yah Mbak agar blogwalking lebih enak, follow sukses
Mbak Lina salam silaturrahmi :)

Saud Karrysta March 15, 2014  

Semoga saja saya dapat Pertamax di artikel yang bagus ini, salam hormat
Mbak Lina :)

Unknown March 16, 2014  

Very pretty! Have a great weekend.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) March 16, 2014  

Pretty flower .. A new one to me. And nice close-up of that fly!

Carver March 16, 2014  

I like the way you captured the visitor on the flower.

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