Dec 27, 2013

Sky Watch: Changing Skyline

Kujang Monument is the sole monument of my city, the Bogor city. This monument is situated at Triangle Park on Jl. Pajajaran, Jl. Otista and Jl. Baranangsiang, Bogor.  I've already captured it several times.
Captured in 2010
Captured in May, 2013
Captured a few weeks ago
Buildings going up here and there around my city even this new hotel built at improper location.  Honestly, I don’t like this changing skyline. What’s in the mind of the local government here?

7 komentar:

eileeninmd December 27, 2013  

It is sad to see your skyline changing! The monument is pretty. Thanks for sharing! Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year!

Leovi December 27, 2013  

Very nice photos, it is rare a city with one monument!

Yogi♪♪♪ December 27, 2013  

The whole world is bowing to developers now regardless of what they want to do.

Thomas Lee December 27, 2013  

nice capture,sometimes changes are quite rapid.

Carver December 28, 2013  

Good shots and I also hate to see too many building going up where I live.

Anonymous December 28, 2013  

Nice sky photos ~ World is taking over nature ~ carol, xxx

Laura December 28, 2013  

It is fascinating to watch a skyline change over time. Happy New Year Lina:-)

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