Jun 13, 2014

Sky Watch: Denok and Blue Sky

We visited the Bogor Palace last Monday during the Open Palace for Public event that will be end on Saturday. The afternoon blue sky was really welcoming us!

When visiting the Bogor Palace (Bogor city, West Java, Indonesia), besides the amazing structure of the palace itself, you will enjoy the view of shady trees, the roaming deer, and also the beautiful sculptures. One of the most beautiful statues is Denok, the statue that made by an artist from Solo named Trubus.

The Denok statue created from the combination of two women. The body model was taken from the body of a daughter of Ernest Dezentje (a painter) while her face taken from a young woman named Ara, the daughter of a staff at Bogor Palace. 

Denok made of stone brought from Tasik (West Java, Indonesia) by the first Indonesia President, Soekarno, in the 1950s. Mr. Soekarno was an enthusiastic artwork collector.

This sculpture located in the outdoor area near the main building, precisely on the right side. Denok has always been one of the main goals of people who visited Bogor Palace. Due to its beauty and strategic placement, many visitors took time to pose with Denok. Data source: presidenri.go.id

13 komentar:

Thomas Lee June 13, 2014  

It's a beauty to have this statue still standing tall in Indonesia,
in my place it would have been torn down by some religious bigots long ago.

Sylvia K June 13, 2014  

Terrific capture and beautiful skies for a background!! Thanks for sharing!! Have a great weekend!

Indrani June 13, 2014  

Very beautiful art work.
Interesting story too.

Anonymous June 13, 2014  

What a graceful statue!

Leovi June 13, 2014  

Very nice, I love the beautiful woman! Another great sculpture!

Jan K. alias Afanja June 13, 2014  

Just beautiful, I love that Denok statue.

NatureFootstep June 13, 2014  

I like both your sky and statue.

eileeninmd June 13, 2014  

Lovely sculptures and beautiful skies.. Happy skywatching and have a great weekend!

colleen June 13, 2014  

A very alluring statue pose.

Halcyon June 13, 2014  

Love that sculpture! Hope you have blue skies over the weekend.

Carver June 14, 2014  

Beautiful sculpture and skies.

Cloudia June 14, 2014  

Exciting work

ALOHA from Honolulu
=^..^= <3

Anonymous June 14, 2014  

Lovely sculpture and comments.

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