Aug 15, 2014

Alternative Route

At that time, my husband and I had to drive a SIL and family to a railway station in another town as the train didn’t stop at the railway station in husband’s hometown. We had a train schedule to catch while traffic jams happened along the main roads that lead to our destination. 

Between Teak trees
We then decided to take this alternative route. It’s a great decision. My SIL and family were able to catch the train on time and I enjoyed different view.    
Bare Teak trees

14 komentar:

Photo Cache August 15, 2014  

always pays when we take a different route.

Anonymous August 15, 2014  

Those teak trees are lovely!

Leovi August 15, 2014  

Definitely a nice uncrowded route !!

Cathy Kennedy August 15, 2014  

How interesting teak trees! I see products made from this tree, but this is the first time seeing what it actually looks like before its cut down and made into things. Visiting from #SWF. Hope you'll hop over to see my Weekend #photo contributions

DeniseinVA August 15, 2014  

These back roads are lovely! Taking a pretty back road to avoid traffic is often what we do. Happy day to you Lina :)

Icy BC August 15, 2014  

Beautiful sky shot! Thanks for visiting!

fredamans August 16, 2014  

Lovely stretch! My first glance at teak trees too!

Anonymous August 16, 2014  

Sometimes alternative route are surprising beautiful. This was one of those! Thanks for sharing and enjoy your weekend.

Anonymous August 16, 2014  

It is nice to have a different view sometimes. Beautiful trees.

eileeninmd August 16, 2014  

I like the bare trees, great shots of the teak forest. Happy skywatching, have a great weekend!

Carver August 16, 2014  

What a beautiful place.

Thomas Lee August 16, 2014  

Healthy on one side and bare on the other,are the trees ok?

NatureFootstep August 17, 2014  

ah, here I see both sides. Love it. :)

Elke August 19, 2014  

Great shots of the teak forest.
Fine the you reach the train at the station.


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