Aug 22, 2010

After 18 Years

Let me introduce my newborn nephew. He is a healty and cute baby boy! Moreover, he’s a big baby! With caesarean process, he came out to the world last Thursday, at August 19th 2010, 10.30am. Check out his measurement: body weight 5,5 kilograms and body length 55 centimeters. So cute!

I can’t mention the baby’s name here, as his parents still in process of searching for it. The baby’s father is the elder brother of my husband. It needs 18 years for my BIL and SIL to have this baby boy. Eighteen years that full of efforts and patience! Seeing their happiness, it motivates me to keep my efforts and patience as well. Perhaps you have known that after 8 years marriage, I still haven’t yet become a mom.

I’m a happy aunt! Today the baby boy will see his home for the first time.

20 komentar:

AstyNNS August 22, 2010  

I feel You Mbak Lina, anyway congratulations for the baby and his parents ;D

Fanda August 22, 2010  

Wow..what a precious baby after 18 years of waiting. I hope you'll get one soon, Lina!

deasy August 22, 2010  

congratulation! He is so cute...nephew:)

JJ August 22, 2010  

Aaagh! Cute. August 22, 2010  

congrats, dear

a special moment August 22, 2010  

congrats, dear

a special moment

Roxxy August 22, 2010  

Oh a very cute baby boy..Welcome to the world!hehe..Blessed Sunday!

eden August 23, 2010  

He is so cute and adorable. Congratulations!

Sara Chapman August 23, 2010  

Wow that is one big baby, and cute, too!

Pat August 23, 2010  

He loojks very content and helathy! Cute, too. Your flowers on Today's Flowers are gorgeous--such vivid, bright colors.

Jama August 23, 2010  

Congrats to the patience parents! I'm sure your turn will come soon,inshaallah.
He's one cute baby! August 23, 2010  

Definitely worth the wait! such a cutie. Congratulations & I hope for you all the best.

kimmy August 23, 2010  

miracle baby!

Goyang Karawang August 23, 2010  

bayinya lucu mbak.. semoga sehat selalu amin..

Unknown August 24, 2010  

Lucu banget sist...
Smoga segra punya momongan juga yah.. :)

Mommy Mayonnaise August 24, 2010  

Such a big baby!! 5.5kgs? Congrats then. Hope you have one of your own very soon, sista :) God bless you..


Ana Cristina August 24, 2010  

So very cute! I love babies!!!
Congrats for the beautiful nephew!!

Mommy Liz August 25, 2010  

Congratulations to the new Aunt. You're right, don't lose hope, you're still young and your time will come to have your own baby.. Take care..

Unknown August 25, 2010  

Congratulations! Babies are such blessings and an awesome responsibility! I have 25 grands and 3 great grands!

A.M.I.N.A August 25, 2010  

That's big!My eldest was just 4.6 kg and 53 cm long.I had CS operation too.Conrats Auntie.Don't lose hope, you will have your own bundle of joy soon, INSHALLAH!

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