Aug 29, 2010

Flowers around the Airport

There’s no much flowers that can be seen around Soekarno Hatta Airport (Jakarta, Indonesia). I just can share here: Bougainvillea / paper flowers and Mussaenda erythropylla (botanical name). We, Indonesian people, identify Mussaenda as Nusa Indah flowers. I don’t know its common name in another country.

11 komentar:

DeniseinVA August 29, 2010  

Such pretty photos, lovely flowers. Thanks for sharing and have a great week.
An English Girl Rambles

Carletta August 29, 2010  

I love the first shot - beautiful!

eileeninmd August 29, 2010  

They are beautiful flowers! Great shots.

vincibene August 30, 2010  

Wonderful colours! I favorite the first picture.

Lui August 30, 2010  

Hi Lina! I love bougainvillea too because they bloom with very little maintenance. Too bad we can not have them in our house because they might hurt my dogs. ;-(

Fanda August 30, 2010  

I just wonder how you still have time to take those photos at the airport. I am usually busy with my own luggage...

Autumn Belle August 30, 2010  

The colours of the bougainvilleas are stiking. In Malaysia, we call Mussaendas - Bunga Janda Kaya or rich widows!

Unknown August 31, 2010  

yes, i agree, those bougainvilleas were amazing. love the display of colors:) have a great week.

eden August 31, 2010  

Such beautiful blooms. Great captures.

Dhemz August 31, 2010  

so lovely!

A.M.I.N.A September 01, 2010  

So colourful!I think Bougainvilleas can grow in any environment.I also saw a lot of blooms here.

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