Aug 20, 2010

Sky Watch: The Orange Sky

I captured this orange sky in one afternoon (about 5 p.m.). Actually, it’s the view that we saw from a café that located at 3rd floor, on the side part of Bogor Trade Mall (Bogor, West Java, Indonesia).

Sky Watch Friday

10 komentar:

MinnieRunner August 20, 2010  

Seems like I wanted to be seated on the place where you capture the orange sky Lina. :)

eileeninmd August 20, 2010  

Beautiful sky, I love the orange color. Happy Skywatching.

Gwendolyn L August 20, 2010  

I really like the first image. Not only did you capture wonderful color but the various lines of the building add interest. Thanks for shairng.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 August 20, 2010  

In Sarawak when I was growing up. orange sky means slash and burn time. It was in August.

Fanda August 20, 2010  

It's a very nice capture! Thanks for sharing it with us

adifc August 20, 2010  

Wonderful World

adifc August 20, 2010  

Wonderful World

adhitsblog August 20, 2010  

alow lam kenal ya .. .!!
link + follow gua dung


Goyang Karawang August 20, 2010  

photo dan angle yang bagus ceu

Mel_Cole August 22, 2010  

I like the orangish tinge of the sky :)

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