Aug 2, 2010

Coral Vine (?)

I’m still not sure about the flowers’ name. Are they included Coral Vine? Whatever the name, I love the color! I saw it on a fence of a neighbor’s house in my neighborhood.

Today's Flowers for more beautiful flowers photos from other participants!

7 komentar:

Chubskulit Rose August 02, 2010  
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DeniseinVA August 02, 2010  

Absolutely beautiful. I have never seen this flower before and I hope someone can identify it for you. Thank you for sharing.
An English Girl Rambles

eden August 02, 2010  

Gorgeous flowers. Not sure of its name too but the flowers look familiar.

deasy August 02, 2010  

I Love it!

Jama August 02, 2010  

So pretty! I don't think I've seen them here in my country.

MinnieRunner August 02, 2010  

Lovely color, indeed. I love the bright red in the middle :)

Unknown August 02, 2010  

what a lovely, vibrant color.

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