Nov 5, 2013

One Friday Morning

Red buses
My husband and I went to the bus terminal in my city. We planned to reach my husband’s hometown that day. It turned out that we’re too early; the ticket locket hasn’t been opened yet. After waiting a while and then got the bus tickets, we had to wait for about three hours till the bus departure time.
Red table
Red railing
Fortunately, there’s a KFC restaurant near the bus terminal. We’re able to wait for our bus at the comfy place. I see lots of red touches at the restaurant.


3 komentar:

Leovi November 05, 2013  

Beautiful photos, I like the design of the restaurant!

Gemma Wiseman November 06, 2013  

Having a camera to take photos helps to pass the time while waiting for transport. Lots of lovely reds around.

Thomas Lee November 06, 2013  

A nice and clean bus terminal.

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