Jul 18, 2010

Arachis Pintoi (Yellow Peanut Plant)

Arachis pintoi is the plant scientific name. Common international name is Yellow Peanut Plant or Pinto Peanut. Indonesian people call it kacang-kacangan or kacang hias.

From the forest of Brazil, the plant is a climber that develops on the ground and appears like grass from far away. It has little green oval leaves with a separate pale vein in the middle of the leave, making it look like closed little green eyes covering the ground.

Arachis pintoi is a ground cover plant that grows well here. The yellow little flowers blossoming from morning until afternoon and along with the green foliage – it gives you a fresh view! There is no need any extra care. Just water it well everyday and you’ll see the beauty. Source:

For more beautiful flowers, visit
Today's Flowers!

12 komentar:

eileeninmd July 18, 2010  

What a lovely flower, the color is so bright and pretty. Have a nice Sunday!

DeniseinVA July 19, 2010  

What a fabulous flower! It is so beautiful. I don't think I have ever seen this bloom before. It's color is sunshine :)

Thank you for sharing with Today's Flowers, and thank you also for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment. I appreciated your visit very much! Have a great week :)
An English Girl Rambles

Jama July 19, 2010  

They are plenty of them in our parks here, so lovely!

eden July 19, 2010  

What a pretty yellow flower! Great shots as always, Lina!

Edwin's Personal Blog July 20, 2010  

quite simple to keep it grow. a beautiful shape, and edible too anyway?

Agenda ibu rumah tangga July 20, 2010  

Wow, you love gardening?Thanks for sharing the link...I can learn a lot from your "today's flower" link!

Female Stuffs July 20, 2010  

Yellow flower is my favorite. Just like the sun flower :)


MinnieRunner July 20, 2010  

The first picture seem to me that the flower is big.. only to find out that it is a cute li'l yellow flower. Adorable. And nice capture Lina!

Anonymous September 27, 2010  

Wilma, really :)

Anonymous October 20, 2010  

last few days our class held a similar talk on this subject and you show something we have not covered yet, thanks.

- Kris

Anonymous October 22, 2010  

Very enlightening and beneficial to someone whose been out of the circuit for a long time.

- Kris

Anonymous November 05, 2010  

It took me a while to search on the net, only your site unfold the fully details, bookmarked and thanks again.

- Lora

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