Jul 23, 2010

Memorable Houses

My father worked at a government institution. Following his work duties, we had to move several times. During those times, we live in houses that were provided for employees. The houses were not ours; but it’s still full of memories for us.

The first house for me (Bogor,West Java). It becomes a restaurant now. I don't have the old photo of this house.

Captured in 1976, it's the front yard of the house (Palembang, South Sumatra). It's me and my mom!
Actually I want to share other photos; but my connection is too slow to upload more photos now. Perhaps later I'll share it here.


10 komentar:

MinnieRunner July 23, 2010  

As for my family, we haven't moved. Not even once. I'm glad that you have a very memorable childhood. I had too :)

Chubskulit Rose July 23, 2010  

Wow such a happy childhood you had. I never had any pictures when I was a kid, you are so lucky to have those. Added your link already, I used my email as I don't know your email add hahaha.

Cheqna July 23, 2010  

hope u managed to upload the rest that you want to share..and manage to re-kindle sweet memories..


Blogger July 23, 2010  

wah flash back mengenang masa2 dl ya mbak, fotonya kliatan banget pada jamannya dl jadi unik
Sukses Slalu!

Tembang Lawas July 24, 2010  

wah photonya jadul, kebetulan Tembang Lawas suka yang jadul2 :-) salam kenal mBak

etam grecek July 24, 2010  

sebuah kenangan yg indah teh lina.... tentunya sngt membahagiakan...

BOI July 24, 2010  

nice house. it's look a like my grandpa house at cipaganti, bdg

Agenda ibu rumah tangga July 24, 2010  

Wow, what a nostalgia! What restaurant is it now? :)

kimmy July 25, 2010  

wow! i love old photos.. thanks for sharing yours..

tiwi July 27, 2010  

unforgetable memories....

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