Jul 10, 2010

Last Wednesday

I’m not a big fan of football. I often become sleepy while watching it, hahaha. But last Wednesday, I can’t say no when my husband asked me to accompany him watching the football match: Germany vs. Spain. Moreover, it’s truly a big one and I guess the match was similar with the ‘final’ match.

We were out at about 12.30 am. We planned to go to a restaurant nearby. Unfortunately, the electricity was off around the area! At last, we found a restaurant and decided to watch the match there.

The big screen was located in the parking area, so, it’s an outdoor one! Fortunately, I wore my thick jacket, I felt warm enough; but my feet were cold. Brrr, the weather is so windy…
I ordered hot chocolate, hot cappuccino for my husband and one portion of French fries for both of us. The sauce was so yummy. Those snack and drink can make me keep awake during the match…

There were about a hundred persons who watched the match. Can you imagine the situation at that time? It’s very noisy! I can hear that the screams were non stop…

We have planned to watch the final match together again. How about you? Have you made any plan about it?

2 komentar:

manuflix July 10, 2010  

Let's do a link exchange.

Female Stuffs July 12, 2010  

both of us are not fans either (lol)
that's why we don't really care about who's going to win the trophy after all. Did you make a bet on a certain team yesterday, sis?


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