May 23, 2016

Tips on How to Reduce Memory Loss

It is quite normal to have memory slip-ups from time to time—that certain object you know wasn’t there moments ago or the name of your acquaintance or even the word that’s on the tip of your tongue. As people get older, these memory lapses get more and more frequent. Not to worry though; that doesn’t mean you are acquiring Alzheimer’s already. People who specialize in elderly care services in Chicago are willing to help but there are some memory tricks you can do to keep your mind sharp.  Try these 5 simple steps that can help boost your memory as you age:

Get enough sleep
Sleep has so many benefits to the body, even though scientists are not quite sure why people really sleep. Getting enough sleep is a must for every adult since it plays an important part in improving the memory, hence the reason why you should put sleep atthe top of your priority list. Keep to a regular sleep routine by going to bed at the same time nightly. You should also try to awaken at the same time every morning.

Studies show that regular exercise increases the supply of blood to the brain, which promotes the development of new neurons and makes more connections with them. Try to build moderate exercise in your daily routine. It doesn’t have to be too complicated but it should be consistent. Try biking, jogging, or exercise with a video at your home.

Stay mentally active
Mentally stimulating activities help keeping your brain in shape and possibly keep memory loss at bay. Read books or the newspaper, do crossword puzzles, and play games that can engage the brain. You can also learn a new hobby or even learn how to play a musical instrument. If you need to, get organized! Fix your things, clean up the house, and mow the lawn. That way, you just exercised your brain and at the same time minimized the clutter in your home.

Eat healthy
A healthy diet is as good for your brain as it is for your heart. Eat fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Choose low-fat protein sources, such as fish, lean meat and skinless poultry. Don’t forget your water as well. Not enough water or too much alcohol can lead to confusion and memory loss.It's also essential to maintain a healthy weight by avoiding extra calories. This may also lower your risk for diabetes and high blood pressure, both of which can harm your memory.

Avoid smoking
If you are not smoking, then good. If you are, then you better minimize (or eliminate it) that habit. Smoking is proven to interfere with your memory in several ways like increasing the risk of diseases (stroke and depression, for example) that can trigger memory loss. Studies showed that non-smokers remember names and faces than those who do so it’s now time to put that pack down to keep the neurons happy.
All of these habits go hand-in-hand to keep your lifestyle healthy. By keeping these practices in your daily routine, you may be able to keep your memory sharp and strong for the years to come.

About the Blogger:
Sue Reyes is a former writer for CNN Philippines and Aspiring Fashion Blogger
Follow her on twitter: @suereyesfashion

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