Red Ginger Lily

The showy pink flowers are used in decorative arrangements while the flower buds are an important ingredient in some Indonesia traditional food.
This flower located in my neighbor’s yard; I didn’t capture it from a short distance.
Today's Flowers
This flower located in my neighbor’s yard; I didn’t capture it from a short distance.
Today's Flowers
11 komentar:
Very beautiful picture!
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I love this flower!
They really look gorgeous!
It is the first time I see this flower. It is exciting to see plants around the world. I wish you a nice sunday! Zinnia
This flower is so dramatic. Thanks for posting it.
Sem duvida uma das flores mais lindas do mundo!
Exótica e de cores fortes, só não sabia que era comestível...
Aqui no Brasil ela é conhecida com Bastão-do-imperador.
Grata pela bela imagem!!!
Feliz semana✽
Beautiful flower.
Regards and best wishes
Calling by today as another participant from Todays Flowers, what a stunning flower.
Interesting picture :)
lovely flower. :)
I love ginger flowers. This one is very pretty.
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