Jan 15, 2015

Varicose Veins: Who Gets Them and What to Do?

Although it seems that older people have varicose veins, the truth is that this condition can happen to much younger people as well. The age is a factor for having them, but it is not the only reason why people get them. Once they are here, it is not easy to get rid of them either. However, all the facts and things you need to know about them are right here, so if you are struggling with varicose veins or you just want to know what happens there, here is what is necessary to know:

What are they really?
In simplest words, they are nothing more but your own veins that are swollen so that they show prominently underneath your skin. They are usually red and blue and they are bulged. The most common places where they appear is on the thighs and calves. Also, during pregnancy, their number and severity increases and they can appear in many more places on your body. They differ in type and shape and they can also be painful or not. Usually, they are painful while they appear, and get less painful when they already appear.

Varicose veins

Are there different types?
Two major types of these veins are varicose veins and spider veins. The varicose veins are those veins that spread along your legs in a curvy line and simply look like a bulged, swollen vein that they really are. Spider veins have a little bit different appearance and they are actually have more of a three shaped appearance, or, obviously, that of a spider web. They are also red or blue, but they are much closer to the surface of the skin then the varicose veins are. In most cases, they don’t cover large areas of skin, but they actually might. Also, as opposed to the varicose veins, they can happen on the face as well.

What causes them?
To understand this, first you need to understand the mechanism and the function of the veins. Our heart pumps the blood throughout our bodies and in that way it feeds the entire body. However, when the blood finishes that round, it needs to get back to the heart. That happens through the veins. The blood is being pushed through the veins opposite from the gravity. To make sure this happens, there are valves on the veins and block the blood from going in the wrong direction. Now, if the quality of the veins is poor, those valves get stuck and the blood tends to be accumulated in those pockets. That is how the veins bulges and gets to the surface. Therefore, that is how those varicose veins happen.

Varicose Veins

Who gets them?
There are many factors that cause somebody to get varicose veins. The most important one of them being the genetic and heritage factor. People who have parents with varicose veins are more likely to get them themselves. This is because you will probably inherit the bad quality of your blood vessels. Besides these, it is obvious that the older people will get them more easily then the younger. The women will get them in more cases then men. Also, lifestyle factors influence the appearance of varicose veins as well. All the bad habits like smoking, eating unhealthy food, not exercising enough, bad posture and the like will influence your blood vessels by cramping them, clogging them or simply forcing them to work more and making your blood much heavier. This will definitely cause those valves to collapse.

What to do about them?
This all depends on the severity of the varicose veins and their type. Your best bet, if the veins are not that severe is to use some creams that your doctor will prescribe to you and to wear compression stockings. They will provide your veins with the necessary support. They can be found in the stores with medical supplies. Your last resort can be laser surgery, but there are no guarantees that they won’t appear again.

The key is to be as healthy as you can and in that way, you may just be able to shift the odds of getting varicose veins to your advantage or at least prolong the period of your life during which you live free of them.

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