Mar 9, 2013

A Tribute to All Women


 A charming woman doesn't follow the crowd. She is herself - Loretta Young

A woman's guess is much more accurate than a man's certainty - Rudyard Kipling

The fastest way to change society is to mobilize the women of the world - Charles Malik

Women are the real architects of society - Harriet Beecher Stowe

 I'm rather late this year. Yesterday (March 8th) all women celebrate International Women's Day.  Happy Women's Day!
Let me present these white flowers as  "A Tribute to All Women"
In my country, there are already many women who successful in many fields, but there are still  some women who become victims. Recently, a wife was murdered and mutilated brutally by her own husband.  Some young women were raped in public vehicles. Sigh.

5 komentar:

DeniseinVA March 09, 2013  

A magnificent tribute to women around the world. It saddens me greatly to hear of all the violence towards women and I hope the laws will change to protect them so that the perpetrators of these heinous acts will be taken off the streets forever.

Indrani March 10, 2013  

Really sorry to hear about the woman who was brutally treated by the man whom she trusted most. It is so common here in India too. :(
Nice flower. Do you know the name?

Self Sagacity March 10, 2013  

I was told it was women's week or something Friday. I've never heard of it but seeing it here again on your blog. I love white flowers.

Jidhu Jose March 10, 2013  

lovely white flowers and nice lines

Carver March 11, 2013  

Gorgeous flowers and a wonderful tribute to women. It is so terrible when people are victimized.

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