Women in Business – Top Executives
a time when it seems as if the economy has finally begun taking a turn for the
better, an interesting point has come to the attention of many women in the
world of business – why has the once-growing number of women executives in top
positions become stagnate over the past several years?
has become a concern for many women, and rightfully so. Are there not enough
qualified women to be top executives anymore? Are women not being put in a good
position to earn that next step up the corporate ladder? Many questions are
being asked, and I’m not sure if anyone really has the right answer.
facts are simple. Research has shown that the percentage of women execs at
Fortune 500 companies has remained at (or near) 14% from 2010-2012. But what
has truly happened or what can be done to buck the recent trends?
business world is a battle in and of itself. Even though there are naturally more
men working in the white-collared positions of the world, it doesn’t mean there
are not qualified women to serve in those high-ranking positions as well. There
are many different paths and avenues that women can take to enhance their
career paths.
With the rise in undergraduate and graduate work studies all around the world, women no longer need to rely strictly on software like Quickbooks bookkeeping or Business for Dummies. The education is there to grab a hold of and run with it. Women need to treat their career paths like they are hunting down the opposition. Due the due diligence, and take no prisoners.
other women in top-ranking positions and figure out what they did to get that
corner office or the top seat on the board of directors at a major company.
Networking is a key asset in helping your career to become what all true
professional businesswomen want to become – a leader in the workforce.
days of men holding all of those positions are a thing of the past. Make a name
for yourself, and don’t give up easily. A strong, career-driven woman can be a
great eye-opener for any business, and that hard work and dedication can be
passed on to women who follow your footsteps.
The only way the trend is going to move the percentage scale up is by taking the extra step. It starts with you. It starts with your hard work. Find the right company and take the bulls by the horn. Flourish. Succeed. And pass along tips to your fellow female execs-in-waiting. Make the recent trends a thing of the past, and do it now. There is no time like the present.
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